Alisha Sevigny
Alisha Sevigny holds a degree in Sociology and Professional Writing from the University of Victoria, is a film school graduate and former literary agent.
A shameless romantic, Alisha and her husband have travelled the world together. On a trip to Panama, Alisha fell in love with the country, culture, and their national emblem, the Golden Frog. She was inspired to write her first Young Adult novel, KISSING FROGS.
Born and raised in Kitimat, British Columbia, Alisha has always had a strong connection to the environment and conservationist spirit. Her second book, SUMMER CONSTELLATIONS, about one woman's fight to save her family campground while trying not to fall for the land developer's son, comes out May 1st, 2018.
Books written by Alisha Sevigny
Released: 25.01.2020
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