Heather G. Harris
Heather is an urban fantasy writer and mum. She was born and raised near Windsor, which gave her the misguided impression that she was close to royalty in some way. She is not, though she once got a letter from the Queen's lady-in-waiting.
Heather went to university in Liverpool, where she took up skydiving and met her future husband. When she’s not running around after her children, she’s plotting her next book and daydreaming about vampires, dragons and kick-ass heroines.
Heather loves to travel and once spent a month in Thailand. Thai food remains a firm family favourite. It goes without saying that Heather is a book lover. She grew up reading the likes of Brian Jacques and Anne McCaffrey.
Books written by Heather G. Harris
Released: 01.09.2021
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Released: 12.05.2023
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Released: 20.04.2023
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Released: 04.11.2022
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Released: 09.09.2022
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