Jen Pretty
Jen Pretty is a prolific writer of smart urban fantasy novels. Her stories are character driven, witty, often violent, and with a liberal sprinkling of coarse language. Some of her books genre-hop into mythology, pulling characters and situations from a variety of sources.
When not writing, Jen can be found in the barn with her horses, or knee-deep in the vegetable garden at her home in rural Ontario, Canada, which she shares with her husband, three children, and a white husky dog named Salt.
Books written by Jen Pretty
Title: Re-Vamping Las Vegas
Released: 12.07.2019
Amazon: Buy from Amazon
GoodReads:4.11 (read)
Our review: 4.00 (read)
Released: 12.07.2019
Amazon: Buy from Amazon
GoodReads:4.11 (read)
Our review: 4.00 (read)
Title: Darkness Sleeping
Released: 27.09.2019
Amazon: Buy from Amazon
GoodReads:3.70 (read)
Our review: No review yet
Released: 27.09.2019
Amazon: Buy from Amazon
GoodReads:3.70 (read)
Our review: No review yet
Title: Gargoyle Huntress
Released: 01.04.2019
Amazon: Buy from Amazon
GoodReads:4.10 (read)
Our review: 5.00 (read)
Released: 01.04.2019
Amazon: Buy from Amazon
GoodReads:4.10 (read)
Our review: 5.00 (read)