Megan Van Dyke
Megan Van Dyke is an enchanting storyteller in the realm of fantasy romance, infusing her narratives with the irresistible combination of magic and romance. Themes of family, whether by blood or by choice, and the quest for home and belonging resonate deeply in her tales, reflecting important facets of her own life journey. Megan's enduring love for fairytales and happily-ever-afters, nurtured by a childhood filled with Disney movies, shines through in her writing.
In her previous professional life, Megan served as an IT risk and security executive, but now finds fulfillment as a dedicated stay-at-home mom. When she's not weaving tales, Megan enjoys indulging her culinary skills, immersing herself in video games, communing with nature, and cherishing moments with her loved ones. A southerner by birth and at heart, Megan and her family currently call Colorado home.
Books written by Megan Van Dyke
Released: 15.02.2022
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