A Review of "Trent" by Laurann Dohner—A Rogue’s Rescue, Romance, and a Race to the Finish

Published 14 Aug 2024
by Anca Antoci

Title: Trent: Rogues United 1
Author: Laurann Dohner
Released: 26.12.2023
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4.36 (read)
Our review:
3.50 (read)

It’s been a while since I last read a Laurann Dohner book, so I was ecstatic to get my hands on Trent. I was a bit worried that I might need to skim through the previous VLG books to refresh my memory, but it turns out I didn’t need to. This story felt a bit disconnected from the rest of the series, almost like it could be the start of a spin-off, which was a nice surprise. It’s the same old world with vampires, werewolves, and gargoyles, but Trent brings in a cool new pack of rogues that I couldn’t resist getting attached to.

Category Key Points
What I loved  - starts out with a bang
  - fast-paced
  - likable and diverse characters
  - witty banter
What didn't resonate with me - predictable villain
  - compared to previous books this story felt rushed
Themes and tropes - second chances
  - redemption
  - good vs. evil
  hero saves damsel in distress
  mild enemies to lovers
  fated mates

What I Loved

Trent and Kate’s story kicks off with a bang. Trent, a werewolf, rescues Kate from a nest of crazy vampires who had kidnapped, turned, and imprisoned her. Even though vampires in this world are usually seen as cold-blooded killers, Trent decides to give Kate a chance and brings her back to his sanctuary. This place, where other packless werewolves like Trent live, is called “Rogues United.” It’s a great setup, and as soon as Kate meets the other werewolves, I found myself instantly invested in each of their stories. They’re a diverse, likable bunch, and I’m really hoping each of them gets their own book and mate in the future.

I also loved seeing Kate figure out her new vampire life, with Trent and the other rogues by her side. The chemistry between Trent and Kate was palpable from the start, even though Trent tries to fight it. But, of course, we all know how that turns out—inevitably, they end up together, and it’s a sweet, satisfying romance.

What Didn’t Resonate with Me

While I enjoyed Trent, there were a few things that didn’t quite hit the mark. For starters, the ending was a bit too predictable. I’m not just talking about the happy ending, but the reveal of the villain. It felt like I saw it coming a mile away, and the way it was resolved was anticlimactic—it was all wrapped up way too quickly.

Another thing that stood out was the pacing. Compared to other books in the series, this one felt a bit rushed. The story itself was great, but I wish there had been more time to really flesh out the plot and the relationships. Everything moved so fast that it sometimes felt like I was missing out on the deeper connections and developments that I love in Dohner’s books.

Themes and Tropes

Trent is packed with classic paranormal romance themes: redemption, second chances, and the battle between good and evil. The story also dives into the idea of belonging and finding your place, especially for the rogues who have been cast out or are without a pack. Kate’s journey from being a kidnapped human to a newly turned vampire struggling to control her urges fits perfectly into the “fish out of water” trope, with Trent and his crew helping her find her footing in this new, dangerous world.

There’s also the “enemies-to-lovers” trope at play, as Trent initially sees Kate as a potential threat but gradually falls for her as they spend more time together. And of course, the “fated mates” theme is hinted at, though it’s not as strongly emphasized as in some of the earlier books.


Overall, Trent was an enjoyable read, especially if you’re a fan of the VLG series or Laurann Dohner’s work in general. While the ending was a bit predictable and the story felt rushed, the characters and world-building kept me hooked. I’m particularly excited about the potential for more stories featuring the other members of “Rogues United.” If you’re looking for a quick, engaging paranormal romance, Trent is definitely worth a read—just be prepared for a fast-paced ride!

Our final verdict:
