Beyond the Grave: A Review of Infernal Enchantment

Published 06 Sep 2024
by Anca Antoci

Title: Infernal Enchantment
Author: Helen Harper
Released: 01.10.2020
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4.24 (read)
Our review:
4.50 (read)

I told you I've been binge-reading this series and now I'm back to share my thoughts on Infernal Enchantment, book two in the Firebrand series by Helen Harper. If you missed my review of the first book, read now my thoughts on Brimstone Bound.

Category Key Points
What I loved Mystery was not predictable
  Slow-burn romance
  Emphasis on solving the mystery
What didn't resonate with me Overuse of Emma's deaths and resurrections
Themes/Tropes Slow-burn romance
  Whodunit mystery
  Sassy heroine
  Protective alpha

What I Loved

Infernal Enchantment had me on the edge of my seat, guessing until the very end. The mystery was so well done, with twists that had me on the edge of my seat. I also appreciated the development of the relationships between Emma and the supernatural creatures. Her growing connections with the werewolves and vampires felt organic and believable.

Emma's capacity for forgiveness was both admirable and intriguing. While it might be difficult to understand, it added a layer of complexity to her character. She's amazing at seeing the good in others, even when they betray her.

The slow-burn romance between Emma and Lukas was another highlight. The author is doing a fantastic job of building tension and anticipation without rushing into intimacy. It's refreshing to see a romance develop at a natural pace.

This book introduced us to Deverau Webb, a cunning gang leader known as "The Shepard" that is both feared and respected. "The Shepherd" and his crew steal from rich tourists and use the cash for themselves, but they also donate to charities. At this point, I don't like Deverau at all, but I have a feeling I might change my mind in later books.

What Didn't Resonate with Me

While I enjoyed the overall plot, I did find Emma's repeated deaths and resurrections to be a bit overused. While it's a unique ability, it can become a crutch if used too frequently. It can diminish the stakes and make the story feel a bit predictable.

Themes and Tropes

Slow-burn romance: The developing relationship between Emma and Lukas is slow paced and doesn't take away focus from the plot of the story.

Whodunit mystery: Two mysteries await resolution - the vampire murder and the werewolf's body vanishing act.

UF sassy heroine: Emma is a badass heroine who slays in the supernatural world.

Protective alpha: Lukas, gets very protective of her. While vampires don't have alphas, he is their lord.

Final Thoughts

Infernal Enchantment is a well-written urban fantasy that offers a thrilling mystery and engaging characters. While the repeated deaths and resurrections might be a minor quibble, the strengths of the story outweigh this issue. Fans of the genre will likely enjoy this installment in the Firebrand series. I can't wait to read the next.


Our final verdict:
