The Phoenix's Gambit—A Book Review of Scorched Heart

Published 08 Oct 2024
by Anca Antoci

Title: Scorched Heart
Author: Helen Harper
Released: 06.05.2021
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Today I continue reviewing the Firebrand series with the fourth book, Scorched Heart. This series gets better and better. If you haven’t read my previous reviews, you should check them out in this order: Brimstone Bound, Infernal Enchantment, and Midnight Smoke.

Category Key points
What I loved - discover Emma's past
  - change of setting, small town vibe
  - complex case
What didn't resonate with me - the slow burn romance is too slow
Themes/tropes - whodunit mystery
  - strong female character
  - crime fighting duo
  - protective alpha 
  - slow burn romance

What I Loved

Scorched Heart is probably my favorite book in The Firebrand series so far. The spotlight is now on Emma’s past as we uncover the chilling truth behind her parents’ savage murder. This has been a long time coming, and I enjoyed the way Helen Harper finally unfolded these long-awaited answers. There’s a satisfying mix of intrigue and personal stakes that made Emma’s journey even more intense.

I also loved the shift in setting. Moving the story from London to Emma’s small natal town brought a fresh dynamic. It’s a nice change to see her operate outside her usual environment, working with fresh faces and adapting to a new pace. The small-town vibe was a great contrast to the urban chaos of London, and it was a fantastic backdrop for the murder investigation.

Speaking of the investigation, the mystery itself was well-crafted. The plot kept me guessing, and Harper did a fantastic job of weaving in enough twists and turns to keep things engaging. It’s a more complex case than previous books, and I appreciated that we couldn’t immediately figure out who the killer was. Plus, seeing Emma in a new team setting, yet still commanding respect, was a highlight.

What Didn’t Resonate with Me

Oddly enough, while I was intrigued by the plot, I found myself a little less hooked than I was in the earlier books. The pacing wasn’t as gripping, and despite the higher stakes surrounding Emma’s parents, I didn’t feel the same emotional pull I’ve had in previous installments. I enjoyed the new setting, but it didn’t have the same magnetism for me as London, and I wonder if the change in scenery contributed to that.

Also, I was hoping for more development in Emma and Lukas’s relationship. I get that it’s a slow-burn romance, but after four books, I expected some progress! Their partnership in the field remains strong, but there’s only the briefest hint of their personal relationship. Lukas, for all his strength and experience, felt a little too vulnerable at times. It’s hard to reconcile the idea of him being the fearsome vampire lord when he keeps ending up in situations where he’s hurt. I want to see him be more untouchable, especially given his age and power.


Helen Harper continues to excel at using urban fantasy tropes in fresh ways. The slow-burn romance between Emma and Lukas is one of the series’ strongest points, even though it’s moving very slowly. There’s also the whodunit mystery at the core of this book, keeping us guessing right until the end. Emma’s sassy, independent heroine vibe is still going strong, and the close-proximity dynamic with Lukas adds that familiar tension.

I really liked the “crime-fighting duo” trope in this installment. Emma and Lukas make a solid team, and even though I wanted more romance, their investigations are sharp and entertaining. The protective alpha trope is still present, but it doesn’t overshadow Emma’s strength, which I appreciate.

Final Thoughts

Overall, Scorched Heart delivered on many fronts. Like I said, it's my favorite so far in this series. We got long-awaited answers about Emma’s past, a solid murder mystery, and some classic Helen Harper humor. The new setting and characters added a fresh feel to the story, and I’m curious to see how Emma’s interactions with the not-angel Chloe might evolve. 

That said, I still feel like there’s a little too much holding back, especially in the romance department. I love the slow burn, but I’m ready for more progression between Emma and Lukas. And while I enjoyed the mystery, I found myself slightly less invested in the overall plot compared to earlier books. Despite these small gripes, this was a dark, gripping addition to the series, and I’m eagerly waiting to see where the story goes next—especially with a new boss possibly shaking things up.

Our final verdict:
